Nutty Bear's OT came this week. I had expressed some concern that although he is meeting his milestone in the fine motor department (things like stacking 2 blocks/pincer grasp) it seems like he is more easily frustrated with these kinds of tasks. His Early On coordinator agreed. It is hard to tell if he has difficulty handing toys over, or just prefers to hurl objects baseball style. But it does seem like he understands how to build a tower, but gets frustrated. I brought it up, but I honestly thought that it would be overreacting mom stuff.
Well, she thought not. We have been working a lot on precision and that is improving, but his OT thinks that he actually has some decreased strength in his hands. He had some difficulty pulling apart legos, apparently more trouble than most kids his age. And in retrospect, he does seem to have some difficulty with "squeezy" toys. So, she has all sorts of suggestions for using Velcro and Legos to help him with this.
And crafts...yes, crafts. I am not exactly crafty. Sam is also, I think, a wee bit challenged in the fine motor dept. My teachers famously complained about my scissoring technique. My mom scoffed that I was not going to need to know how to scissor well! (Yes, I am glad to NOT be a surgeon, but I'd like to think I improved with age) Anyhow, we are going to make a good effort to have a "crafty" summer. Obviously, Aaron's participation will be at a very basic level but I think her point is to get the boys active with this now, together. So, if you know any good baby crafts...share away!
Sam has his first teeball game tomorrow night. I will post the results, oh wait, this is A2 and there is no score. Ask me privately, you know Sam will be counting. His team is the Blue Dog Thunderbolts (I think this is what they settled on!-maybe a reference to those Blue Dog Dems)
Lastly, we are trying to get Aaron set up for a visit to Cincinnati Children's in the fall. This is where much of the EE research is going on and they have a interdisciplinary team. I spent over an hour tonight filling out paperwork, now we have to get his records and pathology then we can send it all in and schedule. I have filled out these forms as a physician for families getting second opinions many a time, odd doing it for my baby. The newest article I just read on EE states that there is a less than 5% chance of outgrowing it, despite the tendency to outgrow other childhood allergic disease. Very sad and scary. Well...one day at a time...especially with our little odds beater.
1 comment:
I came across your blog as I was looking info on EE!my daughter has EE and I understand how you feel!its not a fun thing to live with as a child or for the family!there are so many emotions that comes with this EE!just wanted to say you are not alone!hang in there and know that others face what your faced with as well!!
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