Thursday, October 16, 2008

Fabulous 4 year old

This is a recent letter excerpt from Sam's teacher...

I'm writing this note to let you know how helpful Sam has been at school lately. He is always a very good listener. He has been working very hard at cleanup time especially. He tries to keep the children motivated during this difficult time of day. He has shown tremendous leadership with the younger children and is setting a fantastic example of how to behave...
His problem solving skills are also developing. When there is a conflict, Sam is always calm and uses his words. He also shares a lot of ideas about how to solve other problems in the classroom. He always treats other children in teh room with respect. He is a very good boy who makes good choices. We really enjoy having him.

We are so proud. It has been a trying time for Sam with all the attention focused on Aaron lately and he seems to be handling it really well.

Here are two golf videos. The putt was awesome but his celebration is just too much. Listen to my dh in the background. Too cute.

1 comment:

Retro Girl said...

I laughed SOOOOO hard when I watched these videos...Sam is 4? Seriously? How can this be? Sometimes he has the emotional maturity of a wise old man. I really enjoyed the political discussion he and I had this morning....he eased up once I assured him that I was voting for Obama :-).